What is internal auditing, and how does it work

iso 9001 singapore

Internal auditing is a service provided by an outside party to review an organization’s internal controls, corporate policies, procedures, and methodologies. An internal audit aids in ensuring compliance with the many regulations that apply to a company. An organization can compile its books of accounts under the necessary regulatory obligations and reporting obligations. Internal auditing is the objective and unbiased assessment of an organization’s internal controls to manage risk within the organization’s risk appetite successfully. Internal audit should ensure that any flaws discovered have solutions. An internal audit assists in detecting faults or inefficiency and taking remedial action.


The goal of an internal audit is to evaluate an organization’s efficacy and operational standards. An internal audit also determines if staff adhere to internal operating requirements. Internal audits can work yearly, monthly, or quarterly like the ISO 9001 Singapore. Internal audits can detect employee wrongdoing, such as misappropriation of cash. It may be necessary to determine staff rotation between positions and responsibilities. Internal audits might identify possible hazards or financial losses. The organization’s requirements choose the option.

iso 9001 singapore


As just an internal auditor, you must be able to carry out your duties as you see fit. You must pick which subjects to audit and when to audit them, what concerns to highlight, and what rating to assign. If the independence of the internal audit department is – or may also function to be – jeopardized, you should tell the supervisory board so it can either face the possibility or request that it works differently. Directors and managers should be able to influence you but not override you, either explicitly or implicitly.


Any skilled internal auditor examining the material on file should reach the same findings and judgment. It would be best to guarantee that your neutrality is not jeopardized or threatened by personal or commercial connections. You should alert your management if you feel your impartiality is – or might view to be – affected. The supervisor can then decide whether to remove you from the audit or increase monitoring.

An internal audit helps verify that a company complies with the law and regulations on time. The audit offers a level of security and aids in managing risk arising from fraud, misconduct, or any other situation. Organizations must take risks while simultaneously controlling them. The internal audit evaluates risk appetite, but it is difficult to dispute the natural risk appetite established unless it is high.

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